
Hormead C of E
First and Nursery School

"Love of Learning, Love of Life Itself and Love of God"

"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." John 10:10


Our Vision
Love of Learning, Love of Life itself, and Love of God
"A natural home for all children and adults to have the opportunity to flourish within the community, in a unique and happy school rooted in Christian values."

Curriculum rationale

We are a unique school. We admit children from the age of 2 years old in our Nursery and they leave us at the end of year 4 to go on to the last stage of Primary or Middle school. We understand that the road ahead may be a challenging one for our young children with current issues around anxiety and the fast-changing world of technology. 
We feel it is our duty to prepare our children for life after Hormead by instilling core values and equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge they need in order to become confident, respectful, knowledgeable, life-long learners who live life in all its fullness and flourish as unique children of God.  
We want our parents and carers to trust that we will provide an excellent, ambitious education for their child in a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment. We want our community to feel welcomed to engage and contribute to our curriculum. We want our families to feel confident that we know their child well and are doing everything possible to help them reach their full potential. 
As a team of teachers who are passionate about teaching and helping children learn, we have spent the past few years creating and developing our curriculum to one that is relevant for all our children, the community they live in and fitting with our Christian vision - a curriculum we wholly believe in. 

Whole School Curriculum Intent

Our intent is to promote a positive attitude towards all learning through a rich, broad and balanced curriculum that inspires creativity, discussion and inspiration. We want our children to hold a love of learning new things, and a thirst for knowledge that will stay with them in their future. Our curriculum will clearly set out what we want our pupils to know and remember and instil in them core values that will guide them to flourish as citizens in an ever-changing world. 

Our curriculum is derived from the national curriculum and strengthened to develop well-rounded children through a diverse spectrum of activities, that aspire children to realise their own potential and become life-long successful learners. Our curriculum has due consideration to sequencing to build on prior knowledge and avoid gaps in learning. The curriculum is adapted, designed and developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND. Children are encouraged to be courageous with their learning, taking on new challenges and growing in confidence so that they solve problems and overcome difficulties. 

We aim to help our children with their spiritual development, understanding right from wrong, valuing the importance of truth and equality and having the respect and tolerance to live and work in co-operation with others. We instill a sense of compassion and love through the collaborative and supportive way the adults work with children and children work with each other. Our core school values help to underpin this, being an integral part of our whole school community and daily school life. 

We constantly reflect and review, helping us to improve and strive to be the best we can be.


Our curriculum

Our curriculum planning recognises the need to carefully sequence knowledge so that each child can build upon their core knowledge and skills effectively, purposefully and with a sense of enjoyment and achievement along the way.

Our curriculum is not only underpinned by the National Curriculum, but by the individual needs of our children and whole school community and our passion to ensure that all of our children are best prepared for their futures. Additionally, we also draw on ideas and planning from existing schemes such as 'Kapow'.


Planning and teaching at Hormead provides all children with a rich, broad and creative learning experience in which to embed, extend and deepen their understanding, knowledge and skills. Teachers use a variety of lesson styles, resources and stimulus.

Our learning environments

Our classrooms provide a happy, safe and nurturing learning environment for all children and their learning needs. Classrooms are equipped with a wide range of relevant and high-quality resources. Teachers and staff also make effective use of other school spaces such as our school Hall, teaching kitchen, library and Forest School area. Our classroom and corridor displays are purposeful, displaying a careful mix of essential and useful resources and a celebration of children’s work. Displays are built upon with the children so that they are meaningful and can thus be actively used as part of the resources available in class.

Our extended curriculum and opportunities

Learning at Hormead is further enriched through the additional exciting opportunities we plan and provide for our children. Our school is located in the beautiful Hertfordshire countryside, providing fantastic access to learning outside. Each week, all children spend time in our dedicated Forest School area and outdoor classroom, led by our Forest School teacher, developing key life skills such as fire lighting and tool work, as well as making links to many elements of our wider science and topic curriculums.

Furthermore, learning is enhanced through both internal and external visits, such as reptile workshops, visits from local police officers, visits to the neighbouring farm, external trips linked to key topic learning, visits to the theatre, as well as our participation in local sporting and school competitions.

The role of our staff

All Teachers at Hormead take on the role of subject leader for one or more subjects, ensuring that the planning and delivery of lessons across all areas of the curriculum promote progression, independence and enjoyment. All subject leaders provide a strategic lead and direction for the subject, ensure that all colleagues are well supported and advised, and actively promote a love of learning across every subject area.

All Teaching Assistants are kept well informed of curriculum updates and are an integral part of the planning process, having opportunities to share their ideas and feedback.


Both teaching and leadership staff frequently attend and participate in high quality CPD training to further enhance the curriculum and remain up-to-date with changes, such as those courses provided by HFL.


Curriculum area specifics - see more about each subject's intent in the Curriculum Subject Tabs
