The Friends and Parents of Hormead School are a group of volunteers who help support our school in a multitude of ways. Our PTA work to help create a vibrant community of pupils, parents, staff and friends. Through their work, the school is able to offer so much more to the children who attend.
We have a core group of the PTA who meet to generate ideas, discuss arrangements for upcoming events and help run fundraising activities. We only have meetings when we need them, but are always looking for fresh ideas.
Helpers and volunteers are parents, grandparents or friends who can help set up events, provide resources or materials or have a particular skill that would benefit the children of our school. They also help out with projects around the school, sorting, painting, fixing, clearing etc. Help is asked for as and when we need it, so please let us know if you are willing to help or would like to become a regular member of our PTA, please email the PTA on or come in to the school office.
Other ways to help
In addition to fundraising, the PTA also provide a valued link to the community. Many support the school by listening to pupils read, run after school clubs and help out on school trips.
The PTA provide a much needed boost to the fun side of our community, running our very popular annual "Firework Spectacular" and our Summer Fair.
Hormead Fireworks