Norman Richards
I am delighted to have been appointed as a Foundation Governor for Hormead Cof E First School and Nursery. The School and Governing Body have made me most welcome!
I am a retired vicar and from 1986-2008 served as a Governor of both Layston First, and Edwinstree Middle (CofE) Schools.
Before ordination in 1983 , I was a secondary school teacher in Essex and was involved in curriculum development during a time of major change in secondary education, namely the introduction of comprehensive schools. Latterly, I was Head of Geography with responsibility for developing environmental studies, bringing Biology and Geography together for examination courses.
I am married to Alison who is a recently retired primary school Headteacher who is now involved in teacher training with the University of Hertfordshire and also undertaking responsibilities in the field of primary education for CofE schools in the Diocese of St. Albans. We have four daughters, two of whom are school teachers. It seems to run in the Family!