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Raising a Concern

We care about what you have to say

If you have a concern for the well-being of a child, please contact our Designated Safety Person (DSP), Mrs L Cowler (Headteacher) or the DSP Deputy, Miss S Finch (Class Teacher)

We care about what you think

Each day, our school makes decisions and tries hard to do the best for all the children. Your comments - either positive or negative - are helpful for future planning.

You may want to talk to us about a particular aspect of this school, though not actually make a complaint - you just want to get something off your chest.

If you are dissatisfied about the way your child is being treated, or any actions or lack of action by us, please feel free to contact us.

How to raise a concern or complaint

If you have a concern about anything we do, or if you wish to make a complaint, you can do this by telephone, in person or in writing (by letter or email). We hope that most complaints can be settled quickly and informally, either by putting matters right or by giving you an explanation. If there is something you are not happy about, or you don't understand why we are doing something in a particular way, please come in and discuss it with the class teacher or another appropriate member of staff, such as the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) if it is about Special Needs.

We know that it can feel uncomfortable to question or challenge something, but if you don't tell us what is worrying you we cannot explain what we are doing or try to put it right. If the member of staff you speak to in the first instance is unable to attempt to resolve the matter, you should make an appointment with the Headteacher. We should be able to sort out your worries, but sometimes this is not possible. In this case, there is a next step to make a more formal complaint.

Please follow our Complaints Policy and Procedure, which you can find in the Policy section of this website.